
Lexakai creates markdown and UML from Java source code



Lexakai is a command line tool used to create UML diagrams and markdown documentation indexes.


Project Resources
Configuring Your Project
Readme Generation and Updating
Creating Basic UML Package Diagrams
Custom UML Diagrams
Grouping Methods in Class Diagrams
Automatic Method Groups
UML Associations
Excluding Types And Members
Non-Public Apis
Annotation Summary


The palest ink is better than the best memory.

      — Chinese proverb

Lexakai - from lexis (greek for word) and kai (hawaiian for ocean).

Lexakai creates and updates UML diagrams and README.md documentation indexes from the source code of each maven project discovered recursively from the root folder(s) given as argument(s).


The screenshots below are from the kivakit project (first two images) and the kivakit-application module (second two images). The red boxes show the sections of the markdown that Lexakai generated. Lexakai also generates the UML diagrams and dependency diagrams that are linked to from these sections.

kivakit (page 1)      kivakit (page 2)      kivakit-application (page 1)      kivakit-application (page 2)

Project Resources  

Resource Description
Project Name Lexakai
Summary Lexakai creates markdown and UML from Java source code
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Javadoc Coverage
GitHub GitHub project home page
Code git clone https://github.com/Telenav/lexakai.git
Project Lead Jonathan Locke (Luo, Shibo)
Administrator Jonathan Locke (Luo, Shibo)
Email lexakai@telenav.com
Chat Zulip
Twitter @OpenLexakai
Issues GitHub Issues


At this time, Lexakai is limited to Maven projects only.

  1. Install Java 11 or later

  2. Install GraphViz for generating SVG files

  3. Download Lexakai 1.0.20  

  4. Run Lexakai from your project root with:

    java -jar lexakai-application-[version].jar .
  5. Configure Lexakai for your project as described in the next section

  6. See Readme Generation and Updating to begin creating or updating README.md indexes in your projects

Configuring Your Project  

Creating project.properties files

Lexakai requires each project in your source tree to have a project.properties file. For projects with source code, this should be located in src/main/java and for projects with children, it should be located in the project folder itself. This contents of this file should look like this:

project-name = My Project
project-version = 0.9.0-alpha
project-group-id = com.mydomain
project-artifact-id = myproject

These project.properties files can be created and maintained by hand, or they can be generated during the build process with the ant-run plugin.

The Lexakai settings folder

When Lexakai is run for the first time (in step 4, above), it will create a documentation/lexakai folder in the root of your project. This folder will be populated with default settings files similar to this:

+ documentation
\---+ lexakai
    |     lexakai.settings
    |     lexakai.theme
    |     lexakai.groups
    |     lexakai-source-readme-template.md
    |     lexakai-project-readme-template.md
    \---+ projects

where the files in this tree are described as follows:

Settings File Description
lexakai.settings Global settings for all projects
lexakai.theme PlantUML theme file
lexakai.groups Patterns used to automatically group methods
lexakai-source-readme-template.md README.md template for projects that have source code
lexakai-project-readme-template.md README.md template for projects that have child projects
projects/[project-artifact-id].properties Settings for each project in the source tree

The .theme, .groups and README.md template files can be customized but don’t need to be. To perform a ‘factory-reset’ on these resources, run Lexakai with -overwrite-resources=true or simply remove the files and Lexakai will re-create them.

The lexakai.settings file

The Lexakai global settings file contains the following properties:

# Locations of resources linked to from README.md files

lexakai-documentation-location = https://www.mydomain.org/lexakai
lexakai-javadoc-location       = https://www.mydomain.org/javadoc
lexakai-images-location        = https://www.mydomain.org/images

project-footer                 = <sub>Copyright &#169; 2011-2021, Me</sub>

These values specify the location of resources for Lexakai when it is creating or updating links in README.md files, as well as the footer text to use for each file.

When using GitHub Pages, the folders lexakai, javadoc and images are normally in the docs folder and GitHub Pages is configured to share that folder with the world. Your domain should be mapped to the appropriate github.io subdomain, like mydomain.github.io so that the https resource roots in lexakai.settings resolve to the files in docs/lexakai, docs/javadoc and docs/images. In your docs folder, the CNAME file should also contain the name of your domain, like:


See the GitHub documentation for more information on how to use GitHub Pages.

The projects folder

Each project in the source tree requires a [project].properties file in the projects folder, which looks like:

# Project

project-title            = kivakit-core-network-core
project-description      = This module provides networking functionality.
project-icon             = nucleus-32

# Diagrams

diagram-port             = Hosts, Ports and Protocols
diagram-network-location = Network Locations

The project-title, project-description and project-icon values will be used to populate values in the README.md templates (described above). The project-icon value is used as the base name of [project-icon].png and [project-icon]-2x.png, in order to support HiDPI displays. The diagrams section provides titles for individual UML diagrams. The lowercase, hyphenated name of the marker interface (as described above) is used as a key to locate the title of the diagram. For example:

@UmlClassDiagram(diagram = DiagramMyUtilities.class)

refers to the diagram title specified by the key diagram-my-utilities in the .properties file for the project.


Examples of Lexakai documentation:

Readme Generation and Updating  

If the -update-readme switch is set to true (it is false by default to ensure it doesn’t overwrite an existing file), then a README.md file will be generated or updated each time the UML diagrams are generated. This markdown file will use project-title as its title and insert the description project-description from the [project].properties file as the project description.

An index of project diagrams is updated along with an index of the Javadoc (which should be available at lexakai-javadoc-location) for all types. Sections of documentation in the Javadoc can also be indexed based on the pattern specified by the switch -javadoc-section-pattern. By default, this pattern is:


which is the style used in KivaKit, but any regular expression pattern can be substituted.

Preserving Text Between Updates

Any text between the markdown comments start-user-text and end-user-text will be preserved, allowing additional documentation to be maintained.

Custom README Templates

The first run of Lexakai on a project will create two default templates in the * documentation/lexakai* settings folder one for projects with source code and one for parent projects (projects with sub-projects). These template files can be modified to produce custom output. To revert to the default templates, simply remove them and run Lexakai again.

Creating Basic UML Package Diagrams  

Lexakai automatically creates basic package diagrams for all public types without further configuration.

Custom UML Diagrams    

To create a set of one or more custom diagrams for a project, annotations can be used from this project:


A class, annotation, enum or interface annotated with @UmlClassDiagram(diagram = [marker-interface] .class), where [marker-interface] extends the interface UmlDiagramIdentifier, will be included in the specified diagram.

For example, a type annotated with:

@UmlClassDiagram(diagram = DiagramMapServer.class)

will be included in the diagram diagram-map-server (the lowercase, hyphenated name derived from the marker interface name). A type can be used in more than one diagram, by specifying more than one @UmlClassDiagram annotation:

@UmlClassDiagram(diagram = DiagramMapServer.class)
@UmlClassDiagram(diagram = DiagramServers.class)

The preferred location for diagram marker interfaces is in the sub-package * project.lexakai.diagrams, and they should be prefixed with * Diagram to make their use clear.

Grouping Methods in Class Diagrams  

Groups of methods can be specified using the @UmlMethodGroup annotation. Method groups will be given labeled separators in class diagrams, making the list of methods easier to understand.

For example:


could be used to label all the settings-related methods in a type. Multiple @UmlMethodGroup annotations can be added to specify that a method should be shown in more than one group.

Automatic Method Groups  

The @UmlMethodGroup annotation can be avoided if the switch -automatic-method-groups is set to * true* (which is the default). In this case, the best guess will be made based on method name and parameter patterns as to which group a method most likely belongs. When the guess is inaccurate, or no guess is made, an @UmlMethodGroup annotation can be applied to correct the result. The set of patterns that are used to determine automatic groups is in a file called lexakai.groups in the Lexakai settings folder. This file can be customized for a particular project. An explicit annotation can be used to override any automatic group assignment(s) for a method.

UML Associations  

Patterns in the names of types, fields and methods are used to try to deduce UML associations. The annotation @UmlRelation can be used to override this guess with an explicit relation if the association was not be deduced, or it was deduced incorrectly.

If the annotation @UmlRelation(label = "label") is applied to a method or field, a relation arrow will be drawn from the enclosing type to the type of the member. Similar annotations are available for field aggregation (@UmlAggregation) and composition (* @UmlComposition). If the *@UmlRelation tag is applied to a type, it can specify a relation with a particular referent and cardinality. An explicit relation of this type can be made specific to a particular diagram with the diagram parameter. Multiple @UmlRelation tags can be applied to a type.

Excluding Types And Members  

Methods and fields can be excluded entirely by labeling them with @UmlExcludeMember.

Non-Public Apis

@UmlNotPublicApi marks a type or member as private even if it is not actually private.

Annotation Summary  




© 2011-2021 Telenav, Inc. Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
This documentation was generated by Lexakai on 2021.04.02. UML diagrams courtesy of PlantUML.